Perl: Obtain the size of a file in a human readable format
While machines easily process large numbers without trouble, (most) humans don't possess this ability. As a result, any filesize reported to a user should be in a more handy format. This article shows how to achieve this with Perl.
In order to obtain a file's size, Perl's builtin function stat
can be
utilized to determine the bytes it occupies. This count can then be convert
into a human readable format, whenever it is reported to a user.
However, there is alot of confusion about the commonly used units and their actual meaning. I.e., how many bytes does a Megabyte consist of? 1,048,576 (1024 * 1024) or 1,000,000 (1000 * 1000)?
In order to return an unambigious result, the following subroutine,
, uses IEC binary prefixes to indicate that the units are
describing multiples of two, rather then ten. Read the related Wikipedia
article for details on binary
sub get_filesize_str
my $file = shift();
my $size = (stat($file))[7] || die "stat($file): $!\n";
if ($size > 1099511627776) # TiB: 1024 GiB
return sprintf("%.2f TiB", $size / 1099511627776);
elsif ($size > 1073741824) # GiB: 1024 MiB
return sprintf("%.2f GiB", $size / 1073741824);
elsif ($size > 1048576) # MiB: 1024 KiB
return sprintf("%.2f MiB", $size / 1048576);
elsif ($size > 1024) # KiB: 1024 B
return sprintf("%.2f KiB", $size / 1024);
else # bytes
return "$size byte" . ($size == 1 ? "" : "s");
Download this subroutine.
For a much more sophisticated approach, have a look at the Number::Bytes::Human module by Adriano Ferreira on CPAN.